Career Counselling

Help your child discover the best career path for their unique selves

Through our Career Crafting program, designed for students of Grade 8-12

Each one of us at least once has asked a preschooler or a kindergartener as to what they wish to become when they grow up. However, this important question seems to take a back seat when those children grow up and are looking for guidance to make some crucial decisions in Grade 8-12. 

Our guidance is limited to either the most popular courses and job opportunities that we see around us or about the ‘safest and most steady paying’ jobs that we, as adults, think our children would prosper in.

Little do we think of what interests the children themselves or how they could pursue their passion and make a living out of it. Little do we know how to connect them to people who have chosen a different pathway for themselves and succeeded. Little do we know how to equip our children with the soft skills that are now becoming the most required skill sets in today’s job interviews. 

If these are some of your questions too then we have the answers to it!

Career Counselling

Vishwajyot High School has been running a Career Crafting course for students of Grade 8-12, which is designed keeping in mind individual children and their own interests and abilities. We see the potential in each child and unlock it by guiding them and mentoring them through a series of activities and exposing them to different fields with career opportunities.

  • Each student completes a series of reflection exercises designed to uncover her unique interests and abilities
  • Students get exposure  to  different industries through Speaker sessions where renowned veterans participate in small group conversations about the opportunities and challenges of their fields. 
  • Each student gets access to an online repository of carefully curated information about different careers, job opportunities, and the educational degrees required for them
  • Each student gets 15 hours of individual mentor time with an experienced professional
  • Each student narrows down on three career paths using our proprietary career choice framework.
  • In the last phase of the program, students engage in real life ‘passion projects’ relating to the shortlisted careers which they design all by themselves along with the guidance of their mentors.
We are now opening access to students outside of the Vishwajyot community
for our next batch which is due to start in April 2022.
Get Early Access

Our speakers have studied at some of the most prestigious universities and worked at some of the most well known companies of the world

Our mentors come from a wide variety of backgrounds so that every student gets the right guidance


Computer Engineering



Performing Arts


Culinary Arts

Film & Media


Career Counselling Registration

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