Spreading our wings to other parts of Maharashtra, Vishwajyot International School was set up in Lonand in 2014. Our institution is voted as one of the best CBSE schools in Lonand, Satara by our parents. Vishwajyot International Lonand boasts of 100% of students conversing in English and giving many students opportunities at the District and National levels across different sporting activities.
Welcoming its first batch of Eight Graders in 20-21 in a newly created state-of-the-art campus, located at Lonand- Nira Highway, in Satara District, Maharashtra, Vishwajyot International Lonand has always been associated with enabling children to discover the extraordinary within them and around the world, through personalised and project-based learning.
At Vishwajyot, we are committed to change the world by unlocking each person’s learning potential.
‘Change the world by unlocking each child’s learning potential ‘
The universe is always speaking to us, sending us small messages, causing coincidences and serendipities, reminding us to stop, to look around, to believe in something else, something more …..or the world around us. Our world constitutes our students. We are a team of dedicated teachers and staff committed to catapulting talent and competencies to their optimal potential. In the process, they acquire skills necessary to build a well-rounded personality which is fanned by encouraging questioning as we want them to be agile in their thinking. …We stoke their spirit of discovery and enquiry by creating opportunities of experiential learning.
At Vishwajyot, we aim to make education a fun-filled, enjoyable, learning and growing experience on a solid foundation of values. We celebrate uniqueness and in the journey discover the extraordinary !!
Proud to welcome every child to experience Vishwajyot.
No two children are the same – then why should they learn at the same pace?
Our personalised programs for learning Math and English ensure that no child is left behind or getting bored in class. This leads to better engagement and higher learning outcomes.
Learning by doing – is a method that banks on the experiences of a child. That is exactly how humans learn. The idea is to go from concrete experiences to abstract concepts.
A multitude of activities are integrated into the curriculum and allow students to explore their interests, broaden their perspectives, and gain essential life skills
In the younger grades, children are provided various opportunities to learn through stories, Imagination, and fantasy.
This helps in building creative confidence and communication skills and sets them up for success for their entire schooling life.
When children learn best when they do, why have classes that are designed to just passively listen. Classrooms at Vishwajyot are Vishwajyot are built with a purpose to learn more actively. The set-up is large and flexible allowing students to Move and Explore freely with a plethora of subject specific material available to them.
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Our middle school curriculum is unique in the way that it adapts to the needs of the student. To ensure seamless transition, our team of well trained teachers take great care to make sure that a child feels comfortable in the new curricular environment.
The Vishwajyot school offers various extracurricular activities such as Furtados for music enthusiasts, STEAM for science and math enthusiasts, various courses such as Design Thinking, Mathronaut, Critical Thinking, etc. We make sure that our students receive the best quality and the most diverse exposure that they deserve for their holistic development.
We follow a unique system for food in the kindergarten. Each parent is assigned one day in the month to prepare food for her child’s class according to a menu designed by us. The children then serve and eat food that is shared together by all. This beautiful ritual brings the children together, teaches them how to eat independently and without being fussy. After all, you can’t refuse to eat the food that your friend is serving you with love!
Extracurricular activities are very much a part of the school timetable. The first period every day, also known as the ‘Zero’ period, is dedicated to extracurricular activities that the students have opted for.
At Vishwajyot High School, we believe in providing top quality education to our students. To ensure this, with the help of experts from our academic teams, we have designed our own textbooks. These textbooks have been designed putting a special emphasis on integrated, project-based learning.
Our students are always encouraged to reach out to their teachers for help. Many-a-times, teachers even stay back after school hours to give extra time to students in need, in case it is not possible within the school hours. We try our best to actively analyze and identify students who might need help, even before they reach out to us. This helps us make sure that students receive personal attention whenever needed.
Parent Teacher Meetings are organised once every quarter. In addition, we organise a large, student led event called ‘Spotlight’, which invites parents to come see a display of student learning. Each class puts up an exhibition that highlights the key concepts covered over the term and the projects that students have created. This event serves the dual purpose of helping parents experience their child’s learning as well as to give an opportunity to interact with his/her teacher.
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